You could be forgiven for thinking we’ve all catapulted back to the mid 1980s. Just look around us, Top Gun is on at the movies, Russia and the USA are not friends and the UK standard of living has tanked. Kate Bush is also back with the brilliant song ‘Running Up That Hill, thanks to its perfect placement in Stranger Things series 4, which, by the way, we think just gets better and better.

But what has that song got to do with marketing? Or content? Well, Running Up That Hill was a great song back in 1985 when it was first released. Such a good song, some would say an iconic song. And because it is so good, it’s come back into favour, it’s found a new audience, and is has been republished in a new way.

The same applies to the content you create. Good quality ‘evergreen’ content including articles, white papers, and videos, can reap long-term rewards for your business. A little time and planning now may well pay off long into the future, just ask Kate Bush.


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